Made In Luxembourg


With 15 years of experience in the temporary employment sector, we have seen this profession change and evolve. For several years now, we have noticed that Luxembourg is saturated with workers and that a single temporary employment agency cannot meet the constant needs of its clients.

This is why MOSAM SOLUTION is a UNIQUE method that offers user companies access to the pool of all partner agencies! With a single click, you receive real-time proposals for available manpower in Luxembourg!

This saves a lot of time! We allow a simplified choice of candidates and therefore of skills. We also allow a control on the whole recruitment process, on the validity of permits / training / identity documents etc. Quality is the key word in our processes.

With MOSAM SOLUTION we will also meet the ISO standards that are essential today by quickly having all the necessary elements for the reception of temporary workers.

WORKERS: With MOSAM, looking for a job becomes child's play!
Who hasn't dreamed of finding a job from their sofa? MOSAM SOLUTION, will give you in one click the opportunity to find all the offers of all the partner temporary employment agencies! No more endless registrations, no more pushing the door of every agency to find the job that suits you... From your application, over a coffee or in front of the TV, you will have a wide choice of assignments! Choosing MOSAM SOLUTION is choosing to control your professional and personal life!

COMPANIES: With Mosam, take time for what matters!
With 15 years of experience in the temporary employment sector, we have noticed for several years that Luxembourg is now saturated with orders and is facing a great shortage of workers!  This is why MOSAM SOLUTION is a UNIQUE method that allows companies to have access to the pool of all partner agencies! With just one click, you will receive in real time all the available manpower in Luxembourg! You will save a considerable amount of time! You will no longer have to constantly ask your partners whether or not they have personnel available.  With MOSAM SOLUTION we will also meet the ISO standards that are becoming essential today by quickly having all the necessary elements for the reception of temporary workers.
AGENCIES: For MOSAM, your time is our priority!
What agency hasn't dreamed of orders or temps falling from the sky? MOSAM SOLUTION is your digital employee! It does the job of recruiter and salesman for you, receiving in real time all the orders from partner companies but also all the candidates who sign up knowing that only fixed-term contracts will be offered to them! No more time wasted with recruitment tools that only give you access to candidates who refuse even the idea of a temporary contract! Every day you will be able to respond easily to orders posted by our partner companies! MOSAM SOLUTION is the means that will meet all the requirements of quality, reactivity and will considerably simplify your daily life...